After Infidelity: Make up or Break up

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They may go out alone more often and may be making clandestine phone calls or working late hours. You might even receive anonymous phone calls at the house. If several of these things are occurring, then most probably your partner is cheating on you. If you can find concrete evidence of this infidelity, then it's probably a good idea to break up. A relationship that is based on lies, lacks trust and lack of commitment is doomed to fail.

After an infidelity occurs, be aware of any signs that may indicate your partner's willingness to stay and work it out or clear intention to follow along the path of continued betrayal. Just be careful and pay attention. Make the best decision for you.

About The Author

I would be pleased to guide you in the process after infidelity or go to http://stop-a-divorce-info.com.

This article was written by expert author Ruth Martin for Relevance Info Services

The author invites you to visit: http://stop-a-divorce-info.com